Serving Those Who Serve
About Us
Borromeo Project Inc. is a non-profit corporation designed to be an intentional and practical way to aid the Church in strengthening her clergy and religious as they strive to be good stewards in the responsibilities entrusted to them.
In a fully obedient response to the Gospel and the Magisterium, the Borromeo Project team takes the proven best practices of the secular world and in consultation adapts, educates and provides the services needed to support those responsible for serving the Church as leaders; in these times marked by increasingly scarce resources and ever-changing rules, expectations, and structures, the assistance of a team of experts can free pastors for the primary duties of their vocation.
The Borromeo Project recognizes the “managerial” role of the priest as implicit in his vocational responsibilities and seeks to introduce new approaches and methodologies, new managerial and organizational techniques, for identifying, solving and even preventing crises, as well as reflects on the place of the priest’s managerial responsibilities within his call as to live as shepherd and servant.
Just as the philosophical, theological, spiritual, and pastoral formation of seminary are essential for the apostolic ministries of bishops, priests and religious, so too do these servant leaders need to understand and navigate the range of governance issues and challenges they will face throughout their ministry in their diocese, parish, or religious community. Tasks such as overseeing large operating budgets, eradicating significant debt, the transparent management of financial resources, the good organization of human resources, effective communication and crisis management, and long-range planning are skills
rarely mentioned in seminary or the novitiate. But can their importance for today’s clergy and religious be doubted?
At the Borromeo Project, while serving as good stewards, we help you to capitalize on your strengths to make your best choices.
Inspired by the wisdom of St Charles Borromeo, himself a faithful pastor who despite the resistance began many successful reforms in the Church centered on the liturgy, the life, training and discipline of clergy as well as the training of the laity in the ways of faith, the Borromeo Project offers tailor made services to Bishops, Pastors, Religious Superiors and key people for the revival, reform and renewal of the Church.
Our coaching, financial, canonical and spiritual services, helps them identifying and resolving challenges that arise in their ministry as shepherds and leaders of the local Church as well as assist them to work effectively with their own collaborators and teams by developing best practices and strategies for proactively assessing and averting potential conflicts.
Our personalized, secure and faithful services are provided by a highly specialized and confidential team of experts in a variety of executive best practices, such as communication, strategic development, crisis management, financial modeling and reporting, forensic analysis, asset protection and project affordability, operations and risk management, staffing and organization planning.
Designed for busy influential persons and customized to every individual, the Borromeo Project team of experts delivers a high-impact coaching experience to bishop, priests and lay leaders. Everyone gets a unique and tailored coaching experience that leads to lasting results. We combine one-on-one coaching, interactive activities and curated resources to help you and your team members excel in their people management, leadership, self-awareness, communication, and productivity skills.
The Borromeo Project team of experts offers confidential and professional consultation on canonical matters and the proper and just application of the law of the Roman Catholic Church. We assist bishops, priests and lay leaders in understanding and legitimately exercising their rights, as well as in fulfilling their obligations in the proper administration of their dioceses, parishes and religious orders while handling any disciplinary matters, including accusation of misconduct.
Serving as good stewards, the Borromeo Project team of experts helps bishop, priests and lay leaders navigate the complex arena of finance providing assessment of financial reality, affordability analysis, financial modeling, budget development, capital improvmemnt, strategic planning, forensic accounting while guiding them to an improved position of financial strength and security so that they may freely and faithfully fulfill their mission.
Following the example of St. Charles who established a network of holy friendships and alliances to support the spiritual renewal of the Church, the Borromeo Project team of experts provides special spiritual accompaniment to bishops, priests and lay leaders during time of crisis and transition through one on one consultation and spiritual direction as well as group retreats and pilgrimages.

Mario Enzler
The desire and calling to help clergy has always been in Mario Enzler’s heart. Since his time serving Pope Saint John Paul II as a Swiss Guard followed by a successful career in international banking, to establishing a Classical Education school in New Hampshire, teaching at the Catholic University of America and at the University of St. Thomas, and conducting workshops for Clergy and Religious Sisters all over the world, Mario Enzler continually aims at living out his vocation and positively impacting the lives of those he encounters.
When you make a gift to Borromeo Project you are funding the education of priests, religious, and lay people who are doing more with less in dioceses and parishes all over the world. Your gift helps them gaining the administrative and management skills they need to make Church resources go further and do so with transparency and accountability.
Thank you for your generosity!
Need Help?
Our team is ready to assist you in achieving your philanthropic goals. Email us at or call us at 720.505.3778. Thank you!
Borromeo Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts are tax deductible.